Gradebook - Update Status
The Update Status report shows teacher gradebooks that have not been updated in X days. This is useful for monitoring weekly grade updates by teachers.
Use the following steps to run the report in PowerSchool Admin:
> Log ingo PowerSchool
> PSCB DEV Reports (left menu)
> Grading
> Gradebook - Update Status

What information does this report provide?
Lists the last time a teacher accessed their gradebook for a particular section.
0/0/0, indicates a teacher has NEVER accessed this section. Any date other than 0/0/0 indicates the last time the teacher updated that section's gradebook.
Courses that do not require grades should be filtered off of this report.
For example, to review the Gradebook - Update Status report for Q2 for the entire school use the following filters:
Classes not updated in: 45 days
Teacher: All Teachers
Courses - Store Grades Status: Courses - Store Grades

Q: What if I need a section deleted?
A: To have a section deleted that has not had students assigned please submit an IT ticket.
Q: What do I do about sections for specials teachers that don’t have kids assigned to them?
A: These are exceptions. You can put in a ticket to have those sections deleted, or ignore them when you run the report.
Q: What if a teacher on this report is no longer teaching this section?
A: Reassign the sections to a new lead teacher, re-enroll students to their new section, or have co-teacher enter assignments and grade students.
Q: One of my teachers listed is a Sped teacher and doesn’t have students in this section?
A: These are exceptions. You can put in a ticket to have those sections deleted, but probably best to ignore them when you run the report
Q: Why are science/social studies sections appearing on this list for a quarter when it is not taught?
A: Science/social studies teachers need to enter a final grade of NG for each student in each science section during terms when that course is not being taught.